Js linter
Js linter

You can download the ValidateJavaScript source code on GitHub. Zakas, and is being maintained by CircleCell. ValidateJavaScript has been built using ESLint, the open-source JavaScript linting utility created by Nicholas C. Have cleaner, safer and maintainable code.Catch fundamental errors (we all make them!).The longer you work on a project, the larger your codebase will become, so by validating your JavaScript code regularly you will be able to: For example, ESLint analyzes JavaScript code. They ensure the code meets the standards. Copy and paste or directly input your code into the editor above, click the 'Find & Fix Errors' button, and the tool will parse your code and list all errors allowing you to fix them systematically. In any programming language, there are utilities known as linters. Thank you to all our backers! Become a backer.ValidateJavaScript is an online validating (or linting) tool that will automatically find basic errors and help prevent potentially destructive bugs in JavaScript and JSX (React.js) code. Thank you to all our sponsors! Become a sponsor. Without the code contributions from all these fantastic people, Stylelint would not exist. Linters and pretty printers are complementary tools that work together to help you write consistent and error-free code. We recommend using a pretty printer like Prettier alongside Stylelint. valid things that are problematic, e.g.It'll help you avoid errors, for example:

js linter

parse CSS-like languages like SCSS, Sass, Less and SugarSS.extract embedded styles from HTML, Markdown and CSS-in-JS template trusted by companies worldwide like Google and GitHub.supports shareable configs that you can create or extend.automatically fixes problems where possible.supports plugins so you can create your own custom rules.has over 100 built-in rules for modern CSS syntax and features.A mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions.

Js linter